Monday, November 28, 2011

Time Flies

Time sure flies, doesn't it?  One month until Christmas?  The end of 2011?  Where does it go?

I'm so very aware of this sentiment today as we celebrate my oldest child turning 14.  14?  Are you kidding?  Somehow that chubby little cutie is gearing up to go to high school in the fall.  Wo! My friends tell me the next 4 years go even faster.  How can THAT be?

So, it's not a New Year's Resolution - it's a reality check.  It's time to live in the moment.  It's time to take a deep breath, get time-organized, declutter my calendar, and enjoy today.  The sun will come up tomorrow, but I certainly don't want it to be her graduation day!

"No yesterdays are ever wasted for those who give themselves to today." ~Brendan Francis

While I definitely don't spend my time living in or dwelling over the past, my challenge will be to not miss out on today's gifts as I prepare for tomorrows.  How appropriate a thought for this holiday season.  Here are my ideas, maybe they'll inspire you to breathe a little, too.

* Enjoy my morning coffee sitting down
* Look out the window for a full 2 minutes
* Get outside daily
* Stretch!
* Close my eyes and take a deep breath and...
* Thank God for today!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post thanks for sharing Amy - WOW your daughter is special indeed. Her birthday is the day before mine :)
    And yes we reflect but definitely live in the moment and thank God for each of them.

    Happy Holidays
