Monday, January 31, 2011


Uh, excuse me?  Satiety is the state of being satisfied.  Pretty simple, pretty straight forward.  Now, apply it to your life... not so simple.

Is this an art?  A science?  Satiety has frequently been associated with diet and nutrition.  We have a brain mechanism that tells us when we are full...or does it?  This is a very easy concept to extrapolate into our problems of obesity.  Our modern, American (processed) diets have clouded our satiety mechanism and the message of full isn't getting to our brain.  So, we over eat.

Can this concept be applied to general happiness?  I believe it can.  Re-run the example above.  Our modern, American (indulgent) way of life has clouded our satiety mechanism and the message of "satisfied" isn't getting to our brain.  So, we over spend... or we over indulge in what ever other pleasure gives us "satisfaction".  (Whether it really does or not is another thought for another blog!)

We have heard the success stories of people who follow the "everything in moderation" philosophy.  Maybe these simple thinkers are really on to something!  I mean, really, even an over consumption of apples could be a problem.  Learning to be satisfied with just enough is probably one of the most basic parts of healthy aging that I have found.  It seems so simple!  This week, I'm going to give it a go.  I think I live pretty moderately.  But, I'm going to see what it is that I need for satiety.  Food, time, sleep, exercise, purchases, social contacts.  I'm going to get back to the basics of what I need in a cultural environment that pushes me away from life's simple, satisfying elements.

I'll let you know... and if you try it, let me know what you find!

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