Tuesday, January 18, 2011


You mean like losing your balance?  Well, actually, yes.  We often think of balance in that framework.  And to that end, when you lose your balance, you fall.  So, consider these other examples of balance: The balance between work and play.  Too much of one or the other and, yep, you're falling!  The balance of muscle pull on either side of a joint - too much quads, not enough hamstring - bam!  ACL tear.  Too many calories in, not enough burned off... weight gain!  

Now how do we keep this balance?  And is there a cumulative effect - that is, can balance in one area set us up for life balance?  That's my theory right now....

Life balance is bringing your body as close to homeostasis as you can.  "Homeostasis" for you non-biology loving folks is the state of balance that all things in nature gravitate toward.  It is your body's attempt to maintain a stable, constant condition.  

"Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance." - Brian Tracy

OK, good theory, now what?  In thinking about where this post was headed, I realized that I am the most balanced when I am "in training".  I've been a runner a long time.  Wow, looking back, 28 years of running seems crazy.  But, what I realize now is that running has been my grounding wire.  When I'm running regularly, I'm balanced.  Prioritizing a long run (fitting it into my schedule) gives me the "me" time I need to balance the stress of raising 3 kids, working full time, and running a growing business.  Longer runs provide a time of quiet to balance the noise that life throws at me.  Longer runs bring me into nature and away from the technology that beeps, streams and otherwise bombards my brain with input.  And running pushes my physical capacity to balance out what seems like a never ending need to push my mental capacity.  

So, for me, "running balance" takes on new meaning.  The term likely conjures up an image of how much money you can spend before you go into debt.  And yes!  That's it - with a twist.  It's the amount of "spend" you can do before you need to "deposit" (Deposit fun, deposit quiet, deposit stretch...) in order to stay balanced.  

I hope you'll think about whether or not you are in balance, and what it takes to get or keep you there.  I hope you'll consider depositing where you find a need so that you can get 1 step closer to homeostasis.  And, if you want more info on getting and staying balanced, I hope you'll read with me again.
Until then....

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