Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Is Fat Contagious?

Funny sort of question, isn't it?  Of course it's not contagious... well, at least I didn't think it was.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine collected data from over twelve thousand people over a 30-year time period.  The study provides compelling evidence that the spread of obesity is correlated to who you spend time with.  With a friend who became obese, study participants had a 57% greater chance of becoming obese.  With an obese sibling, study participants had a 40% increased risk.  "The study highlights the social network effect on health issues and makes an important point: Our health is heavily influenced by many factors, not the least of which are the role models around us.  Whom you spend time with matters to the health of your brain and your body..."(D. Amen, MD)

This past weekend I felt just that.  I was surrounded by people who take charge of their health.  On Saturday, I watched and cheered, supported and encouraged as friends completed a local 5K and 15K road race.  How inspiring to watch this multi-generational event.  Age only separates the categories, here the young and old run the same path at the same time.  We gathered afterward, celebrating the accomplishments of that half of the group while mentally preparing the other half who would run in a half-marathon the following day.

The real "I'm with you" feeling comes out when you hear the cheers from the crowd of friends who continue to conquer their goals, face their barriers, and overcome their trepidations.  As I turned mile 11, I heard them, saw them, knew they knew just what I was feeling.  Invigorated by their presence, confident because of their confidence in me, and lifted by their passion for life.

I have blogged before about the importance of connectedness.  May I recommend a group of health-minded individuals?  Let's make our health contagious, and nothing else will be!

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